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Company managerial position VISA
Can I get a VISA if I set up a company in Italy? This is a common misconception about the corporate position VISA. The only route to VISA via investment is the Italian investor VISA, requiring a substantial outlay of capital to secure your entry to Italy, other than that, setting up an Italian company
Inheritance and Gift tax in Italy
Nothing is certain but death and taxes. This is one of the most used quotes by tax accountants and finance professionals to describe the common habit of Western societies to finance their public spending through taxes. You pay tax when you make money, when you spend it, you pay tax on your savings, and also

Financial income tax in Italy
Financial income is taxable in Italy, those income sources are taxed at different tax rates compared to the regular IRPEF brackets. It is therefore important to divide such income sources in the following income sources:Interest and dividendsCapital gains and capital lossesOther financial income Interests and dividends taxationInterest and dividends are taxable at a flat 26% rate.

Elective Residence VISA
The Elective Residence VISA is a particular one year VISA that allows the applicant and his family to relocate to Italy on the Elective Residence VISA.In order to qualify for such a VISA, the applicant needs to prove to have sufficient funds available to self-sustain himself and his family to relocate to Italy; the funds

Natural Gas in Italy
Since January 2003, the Italian gas market has been deregulated and multiple players are now flocking the natural gas market of Italy. If you are coming from various countries overseas, it might be surprising that most of the heating systems in Italy are propelled by natural gas, as well as kitchen stoves. Despite an upcoming

Antenatal Care in Italy
This article does not aim to provide any health counseling, nor suggestions, as soon as a woman thinks she is pregnant, we advise to seek the help and advice of a certified gynecologist. The Italian health care system has introduced the Consultorio to deal with antenatal care. Once pregnancy has been tested positively, the soon to