This article does not aim to provide any health counseling, nor suggestions, as soon as a woman thinks she is pregnant, we advise to seek the help and advice of a certified gynecologist.
The Italian health care system has introduced the Consultorio to deal with antenatal care. Once pregnancy has been tested positively, the soon to be mother can request assistance to either the public system or any private clinic. Should the woman opt for the public system route, the first thing to do is a visit with a certified obstetrician who informs the woman in regards:
- Premaman course preparation
- Home birth
- Personalized pregnancy assistance
The obstetrician also informs the woman about the pregnancy route, red flags, the required exams and visits, as well as the employment rights to maternal/paternal leave.
At the end of this meeting the obstetrician prepare a folder named “Cartella della Gravidanza” including all the relevant information from pregnancy to delivery
Certain Consultorio provide assistance in languages other than Italian.

Table of Contents
ToggleSpecialist visits and exams prior delivery
Despite the list might not be comprehensive as different Regions have different healthcare systems, the following visits and exams are free of charge (no ticket to be paid) prior to delivery. The exams are grouped by week periods (many exams are reiterated):
Week 1 to Week 13
- Blood count test
- Blood group and Rh test
- Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase test (SGOT or GOT)
- Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase test(SGPT oR GPT)
- Toxoplasmosis antibodies test
- HIV antibodies test
- Rubella antibodies test
- Glycemia test
- Urinalysis
- Indirect Coombs test
- Cytomegalovirus test
- Obstetric ultrasound
Week 14 to 18
- Urinalysis
- Rubella antibodies test
- Toxoplasmosis antibodies test
- Indirect Coombs test
- Cytomegalovirus test
Week 19 to 23
- Urinalysis
- Rubella antibodies test
- Toxoplasmosis antibodies test
- Indirect Coombs test
- Cytomegalovirus test
- Obstetric ultrasound
Week 24 to 27
- Glycemia test
- Urinalysis
- Indirect Coombs test
- Cytomegalovirus test
Week 28 to 32
- Blood count test
- Ferritin test
- Urinalysis
- Cytomegalovirus test
- Toxoplasmosis antibodies test
- Indirect Coombs test
Week 33 to 37
- Blood count test
- Urinalysis
- HIV antibodies test
- Cytomegalovirus test
- Hepatitis B antibodies test
- Hepatitis C antibodies test
- Toxoplasmosis antibodies test
- Indirect Coombs test
Week 38 to 40
- Urinalysis
Week 40 to delivery
- Obstetric ultrasound
- Cardiotocografia
The above mentioned tests are normally delivered in case of a regular pregnancy with no particular health hazards to the mother, or the womb. Should there be any potential risk, further exams are administered and they are free of charge as well.