DISCLAIMER This article is intended to help you navigate the abortion system in Italy. Our intent is to educate the audience about the bureaucracy the abortion process entails, with no intent to provide advice nor solicit pro-life or pro-choice debate.
Abortion in Italy has become legal in 1978 and it is regulated by the Law 194/78.

Table of Contents
ToggleWhen is it possible to terminate a pregnancy?
The decision to abort an unwanted pregnancy has to be taken within the twelfth week of pregnancy. The reasons behind this decision can root in economic, health, social, or family reasons.
It is also possible to terminate a pregnancy after the twelfth week only in case the pregnancy might result in a severe threat to the mother’s health or to life threats to the foetus.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy (or not to) lies with the woman only, since the father has no authorisation to request a termination. If the woman is 18 years of age or less, the parents (or the guardian) consent is required.
How does the abortion process work?
Once the decision to terminate a pregnancy is taken, the woman needs to visit a clinic providing the following documents:
- General Practitioner certificate of pregnancy
- Intent to terminate the pregnancy in writing.
From this moment, the woman has a 7 day period after which she can abort the pregnancy, during this period the local Consultorio helps the woman to make sure she makes the right choice, making her aware of alternative paths to abortion.
The 7 day period can be waived in case of immediate health risk.
After the 7 day period has passed, and she didn’t decide to revert her decision, the abort can take place at a public hospital.
Albeit abortion is legal in Italy, certain doctors might not perform it on the ground of ethical reasons. Such doctors are referred to as “Obiettori di coscienza”.
The abortion procedure is done either via prescription drugs or via surgery.
Emergency Contraception
Under a General Practitioner prescription the woman can take an emergency contraceptive pill (colloquially known as Pillola del giorno dopo) which prevents the implantation of a fertilised egg. This pill should be taken within 72 hours after the non protected sex.
Recently, the “5 days after pill” is available for sale
In any of the above circumstances we urge you to talk to your General Practitioner and the local consultorio to find the best counseling and advice for your personal situation.