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Tax Central
At 2Italy you have access to the latest finacial and tax news and updates in Italy.

Taxes in Italy 2022
The Italian income tax is called IRPEF “Imposta sul Reddito delle Persone Fisiche”, and it is based on progressive tax rates. Each region and municipality can add a surcharge based on the same income as IRPEF. Each Region and Municipality has different rates.The national IRPEF is based on brackets ranging from 23% up 43%, the
Inheritance and Gift tax in Italy
Nothing is certain but death and taxes. This is one of the most used quotes by tax accountants and finance professionals to describe the common habit of Western societies to finance their public spending through taxes. You pay tax when you make money, when you spend it, you pay tax on your savings, and also

Financial income tax in Italy
Financial income is taxable in Italy, those income sources are taxed at different tax rates compared to the regular IRPEF brackets. It is therefore important to divide such income sources in the following income sources:Interest and dividendsCapital gains and capital lossesOther financial income Interests and dividends taxationInterest and dividends are taxable at a flat 26% rate.

Italian Codice Fiscale
The Codice Fiscale is the Italian tax identification number and it is used for multiple purposes beyond identifying taxpayers for paying their taxes when they fall due.The Codice Fiscale is a string of 16 letters and numbers that identifies each natural person, and this has to be used for multiple daily activities in Italy. If

Wealth tax in Italy
The Italian tax system also includes wealth tax for assets held by Italian residents. Since 2012, the 0.2% IVAFE (tax on foreign held assets) and 0.76% (tax on foreign real estate) have been introduced in the Italian tax system. Every Italian tax resident who owns assets overseas is required to disclose the value on December

Will and Inheritance in Italy
Becoming a resident of Italy will also impact your estate. What happens if you die in Italy? You should take this question seriously, and find out the consequences of dying in Italy.Which law is applicable if you die in Italy?Prior answering this question, it is important to understand where the deceased had his/her place of habitual