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2Italy Reviews


2Italy Reviews

Start your

Codice Fiscale

Obtain your official Codice Fiscale from the Italian tax authorities

Phase 01

Welcome to the first phase of your process.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 6 GB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 6 GB.

      Phase 02

      This area is managed by 2Italy Services Team.
      Max. file size: 6 GB.

      Phase 03

      Please upload the signed required document.
      Max. file size: 6 GB.

      Phase 04

      This area is managed by 2Italy Services Team.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 6 GB.

        We take care of you and your informations

        At 2italy we follow all the latest GDPR normatives to ensure that every piece of information shared by our users is secured and it will be used to its original purposes. We also use secure encryption protocols and multi-layer servers to protect your information within our databases.

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        How do I submit my information at

        Phase 01?

        You can submit the 1st phase of your process clicking at the Submit Phase 01 button at the bottom of this page. You’ll have access to the subsequential phases of your service (process) at your My Services area at your dashboard or via the link sent to your email

        What is the
        difference between

        Phase and Stage?

        Phase is a specific part of a continuous process, while stage is a unique process that composses a group of processes.

        Meaning, our single services processes are divided in phases, while our more elaborated services processes are divided in stages.

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        Joing our mailing and receive at your mailbox our amazing real estate opportunities, services updates and the latest news.